How the Transition Felt: My Gluten-Free Journey

By Edison Bond  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

How the Transition Felt: My Gluten-Free Journey


The Initial Shock: Feeling Lost and Navigating the Supermarket

Being diagnosed with a gluten allergy felt like being thrown into a completely unfamiliar world, where I had no idea what was safe to eat. Before my diagnosis, I hadn’t even heard of gluten, let alone realised how many foods contained it. The thought of cutting gluten out of my diet was overwhelming, and I wondered how I would survive in a world where gluten seemed to be everywhere.

When I first started my gluten-free diet, I wandered the supermarket aisles feeling completely lost. Gluten was lurking in so many everyday foods — from bread and pasta to sauces and snacks. It wasn’t just the gluten-free bread I had to find; I had to learn to read labels meticulously because gluten hides in so many unexpected places. Grocery shopping became a completely different experience, and I often found myself questioning if there was anything left I could eat.

Learning to Read Labels and Discovering Safe Foods

One of the biggest adjustments was learning how to read food labels carefully. Suddenly, something as simple as buying a snack required me to check for hidden gluten ingredients like malt, barley, and even oats. It was an exhausting process at first, as I had to become vigilant about every ingredient. But over time, I got used to it. Learning how to identify gluten-free food products became second nature, and I started to feel more confident in making gluten-free choices.

At the start of my journey, it felt like rice and maize were my only safe options. I remember thinking, “Is this it? Is rice and maize my future?” The thought of living on such a limited diet was discouraging, but as I slowly educated myself, I realised there were more gluten-free options than I initially thought. While saying goodbye to some of my favourite foods was difficult, I knew that removing gluten from my diet was essential for my health. Once I shifted my perspective to focus on what I could eat, rather than what I couldn’t, things began to get easier.

The Learning Curve: Avoiding Hidden Gluten and Kitchen Experiments

One of the first things I learned was that avoiding wheat wasn’t enough. Gluten was hiding in other ingredients like barley, malt, and even certain oats. It took time to understand where gluten could be found, and it often felt like my list of restricted foods was never-ending. But eventually, I learned how to navigate a gluten-free lifestyle, discovering new foods and gluten-free alternatives I had never considered before. This shift in mindset opened the door to more variety in my meals.

With gluten-free options in stores being limited at the time, I had to experiment in the kitchen to find suitable gluten-free substitutes. Maize flour quickly became a staple in my kitchen, and I used it to make everything from pancakes to gluten-free cakes. There were plenty of trial-and-error moments, but each successful gluten-free recipe felt like a small victory. While some gluten-free products like soy flour didn’t work for me, I found other gluten-free flour alternatives that helped me recreate some of the meals I missed.

Finding Balance and Confidence in a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Looking back, my journey from feeling lost and overwhelmed to finding balance in a gluten-free lifestyle wasn’t easy. The early stages were filled with confusion and frustration, but over time, I became more confident in my ability to manage my gluten-free diet. Today, my life feels settled and normal again, and I’ve learned how to thrive in a gluten-free world. Though the transition was bumpy, I’m now able to enjoy a wide range of gluten-free foods and recipes, and my gluten-free lifestyle feels like second nature.

By sharing my experience, I hope to help others who are navigating a gluten-free diet or dealing with the overwhelming process of starting one. The road can be challenging at first, but with the right knowledge and mindset, it’s possible to find balance and thrive on a gluten-free diet.


Happy Gluten-Free Cooking!!

 Edison Bond
Founder and Head Chef

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